Saturday, June 30, 2012


ブロガーたちがパリのおすすめスポットを散歩! Tube. Duration : 2.20 Mins.

パリのおすすめスポットをエル・ブロガーたちが散歩! 小さな靴&修理屋さんの「Attal Nessim」にて、特製サンダルを作ってもらったり。1区のおしゃれなブティックに立ち寄ってショッピングを楽しんだり、はたまた「Pascal Millet」のアトリエでは、デザイナーに最新のコレクションを見せてもらったり!さらにパリ装飾美術館では、ジャン・ポール・グードの展示会、セレクトショップ「Merci」、6区のサンスルピス教会の正面にある「Le Relais Saint Sulpice」ホテルの可愛いお部屋でシャンパンを味わいながら夜を楽しむetc. 「エル」ならではのおしゃれなパリの散歩をガイド。あなたもパリの散歩を動画で体験! 参考: Attal Nessim (靴屋) : 122, Rue Assas 75006 Paris CAROLINA HERRERA(キャロライナ ヘレラ): 10, Rue de Castiglione 75001 Paris Vanessa Bruno(ヴァネッサブリューノ) : 12, Rue de Castiglione 75001 Paris JOVOY paris(ジョヴォワ パリ) : 29, Rue Danielle Casanova 75001 Paris Pascal Millet(パスカル・ミレ) : 350, Rue Saint Honoré 75001 Paris Musée des Arts décoratifs(パリ装飾美術館) : 107, Rue de Rivoli 75001 Paris merci (メルシー): 111, Boulevard Beaumarchais 75003 Paris Hotel Le Relais Saint Sulpice (ホテル ルレ サン シュルピス): 3, Rue Garanciere 75006 Paris 協力: フランス観光開発機構 エールフランス航空Elle TV was in Paris last january and discovered some well-known adresses of the capitale like the cobbler, Nessim Attal, Designers Carolina Herrera's and Vanessa bruno's boutiques, the perfume shop Jovoy Paris, Designer Pascal millet's workshop and boutique and the concept store, Merci. Elle Tv also ...

Keywords: フランス観光開発機構, エールフランス航空, パリ, Attal, Nessim, 靴屋, CAROLINA, HERRERA, キャロライナ, ヘレラ, Vanessa, Bruno, ヴァネッサブリューノ, JOVOY, paris, ジョヴォワ, Pascal, Millet, パスカル・ミレ, Musée, des, Arts, décoratifs, パリ装飾美術館, merci, メルシー, Holet, Le, Relais, Saint, Sulpice, ホテル, ルレ, サン, シュルピス

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Louvre

The Louvre is the most famous art museum in the world. It also has the most number of visitors per year. It is home to many great works of art that are historically significant in Western culture. It was originally built as a royal palace for King Philipp II. The architecture is similar to the French Renaissance style of the famous architect Pierre Lescot. Its use as a place to showcase art started at around the time of French Revolution. The idea began from the Luxembourg Palace in Paris which was then followed by the Louvre.

The Louvre originally collected the works or Leonardo da Vinci and Andrea del Sarto. Extensions of the site were commissioned as the continued expansion of the Louvre necessitated it. As France grew in power and stature in the 17th century, it was able to acquire increasing holdings. Major works from Dutch artists were acquired for display in the museum. Today, the collection is added by gifts from citizens.

Paris Musuem

One of the primary goals of the Louvre is to preserve and protect French art treasures. This includes collections from the early part of its history up to recent acquisitions to this day. They seek to give access to as large amount of people as possible to the beauty of all these works. The museum loans different works of art to different institutions all over the world too.

The Louvre

It has partnerships with other major art institutions. It was recently announced that a Louvre museum will be constructed in Abu Dhabi and should be completed in 2012. It will house work from different French museums, including those from the Louvre as well.

The Louvre Pyramid is the main entrance of the museum. The French president Francois Mitterrand hired the Chinese-American architect I.M. Pei to construct the glass pyramid. This was one of the first renovations from the Grand Louvre Project.

The Louvre houses some of the finest art collections in the world. There are eight departments, which are as follows: Paintings, Prints and Drawings, Decorative Arts, Sculptures, Islamic Art, Egyptian Antiquities, Greek and Roman Antiquities and Near Eastern Antiquities.

The museum has a collection of almost 12,000 paintings. The Mona Lisa is one of the more prominent pieces found in the museum. It is a 16th century portrait painted by Leonardo da Vinci. It is considered as one of the most famous paintings in the world. The picture is of an expressionless woman, which has been the subject of countless debates and arguments. The painting has undergone a number of conservation treatments leading to its' relatively excellent state.

Other exhibits include sculptures, such as the Venus de Milo. Also known as the Aphrodite of Milos, it is an ancient Greek statue depicting Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love and Beauty. It is made of marble with the absence or arms from the sculpture being quite notable.

Aside from the aforementioned exhibits, others include engravings, drawings, books and archeology. To keep up with the times, the Louvre continually expands and develops new areas in the museum.

The Louvre 10835_mod_montage1 Tube. Duration : 4.18 Mins.

Commercial for Yardleys Slicker Lipstick in London. Big Ben, woman emerging from telephone booths with different fashion styles each time, close up of lipstick, close up of lipstick being applied to lips. Cover Girl in Paris commercial for Cover Girl medicated make-up. Fashion model Regina and photographer on location in Paris, France. Model poses for pictures outside in different styles, jumps, poses, rides a bicycle, poses for cover of Marie France magazine. Close up of Cover Girl makeup, foundation bottle and lipstick, woman applies liquid makeup to her face in mirror, applies powder from a compact, model winks at the camera. Fashion as art. Women with trendy/strange/unique/weird hairdo called Interesting. In which hair has large bulbs of hair throughout. Women in stylish hats. Women and fashion on display at the Museum of Modern Art during an Alexander Calder show of mobiles and sculptures. Women in checkered suit, harlequin checkered boots, cubist storm suit, evening gown. Tableau of models in modern/pop art style. 1966 Parsons School of Design Fashion Show. Woman looks through pages of clothing designs, models pose on runway in dresses, coats, swimsuit, jackets, scarves, boots and other fashions of 1966. Interested in licensing this footage? Contact Oddball Film + Video at: (415) 558-8112 You can also search for more clips and text at: Or join Oddball's e-mail list:

Keywords: London, Big Ben, Fashion, Models, Clothing, Make-up, Paris, 60's, Trend, Style, Mod, Stock Footage, Oddball Film+Video

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Tupolev TU-144

Tupolev TU-144 Tube. Duration : 1.88 Mins.

In einem Aufsehen erregenden Transport, der über 4000 km von Moskau nach Sinsheim führte, wurde die Tupolev TU-144 auf dem Wasser- und Landwege auf das Museumsgelände transportiert. Dort wurde Sie auf drei Stahlstützen auf das Dach montiert und ist für die Museumsbesucher von Innen begehbar.

Tags: tupolev, tu, 144, technik, museum, sinsheim, concord, concorde, flugzeug, aircraft, plane, russland, russen, russian, überschall, supersonic, sonic, flieger

Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Making of a Sculpture

The Making of a Sculpture Video Clips. Duration : 9.97 Mins.

Scottish sculptor and painter Alan Herriot shows how he made the life-size bronze sculpture, The Ancient Mariner which stands beside the Watchet and Market House Museum, Somerset, England. Google 'Alan Herriot Painter' website for more.

Tags: Sculpture, statue, sculpt, sculpting, bronze, modelling, clay, casting, Ancient, Mariner, Watchet, Museum, how, to

Friday, June 15, 2012

Top 5 Unusual Things To Do In Paris

Looking for things to do in Paris? Want to do something a bit out of the ordinary? Here are 5 suggestions of unique and quirky places to visit and things to do that will show you a different side of the city.

1. Take a trip to the Fragonard Perfume Museum and learn how to make perfume the old fashioned way. Here you will also discover the secrets and history behind scents that are used by millions of people everyday.

Paris Musuem

2. Explore Paris' popular landmarks on a futuristic Segway machine. Segway Tours are a fun, refreshing way to learn about the city and its famous landmarks. You will never forget your first ride on a Segway!

Top 5 Unusual Things To Do In Paris

3. The Grand Arche is a fine example of funky, modern architecture at its best. This remarkable structure offers great views from the rooftop and is well worth a visit.

4. Paris museums cover a vast range of subjects and topics. The Paris Postal Museum doesn't sound exciting, however, hosted in 2 medieval houses this museum tells the intriguing historic story of the post service in an interesting way that surprises most.

5. Another interesting and different museum is the Museum of Air and Space which occupies 150,000 square feet of land and hangers, and is one of the world's oldest aviation museums.

Hopefully, these alternative things to do in Paris should give you some good ideas to keep busy on a sightseeing trip around this fantastic city. Paris is a city is packed with so much fun and exciting places to explore that no visitor will be left disappointed!

Top 5 Unusual Things To Do In Paris Billy Corgan and Morgan Stebbins - Carl Jung's Red Book Dialogues - Part 2 Tube. Duration : 22.70 Mins.

Billy Corgan and Morgan Stebbins participate in Carl Jung's Red Book Dialogues at the Rubin Museum of Art in New York City on Nov 14, 2009. The footage was shot by an attendee to the event and has been posted courtesy of Conor McMahon. Thank you Conor!

Keywords: Billy Corgan, Morgan Stebbins, Red Book Dialogues, Rubin Museum of Art

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

On a retrouvé le dernier aerotrain - part 2 of 6 (We found the last aerotrain)

On a retrouvé le dernier aerotrain - part 2 of 6 (We found the last aerotrain) Tube. Duration : 9.45 Mins.

Amateur documentary, all rights reserved, 53 mins, 2010 Audio & subtitles in english & french Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Part 4: Part 5: Part 6: The Aerotrain was a french project in the early 70s, an incredible technological initiative supposed to renew our means of transportation. Unfortunately, the Aerotrain had a tragic fate, leaving its legacy to the TGV. Far from the medias and the politics, Jean Bertin managed to bring his vision to the USA. More than 30 years later, we found the last prototype. Lets discover together this new chapter of the Aerotrain story. Amateur documentary, all rights reserved, 53 mins, 2010 Audio & subtitles in english & french LAérotrain fut un projet français du début des années 70, un incroyable pari technologique sensé renouveller nos modes de transports. LAérotrain a pourtant connu un destin tragique, laissant place au TGV. Loin du regard des médias et des hommes politiques, lingénieur Jean Bertin avait pourtant réussi à porter son projet aux Etats-Unis. 30 ans plus tard, nous avons retrouvé le dernier prototype. Découvrons ensemble ce chapitre inédit de lhistoire de lAérotrain. Trailer: Website:

Tags: aerotrain, hovercraft, monorail, air, cushion, coussin, naviplave, Rohr, industries, Pueblo, Colorado, USA, Department, of, transportation, dark, programme, project, desert, abandonned, jerome, tillier, weisbrod, aircraft, railway, museum, train, chevilly, gometz, saran, orleans, I80, plate, forme, plate-forme, experiment, experience, test, essai, essais, daniel, ermisse, prototype, proto, vehicule, future, futuristic, transpo, 72, hover

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Eija-Liisa Ahtila - Moderna Museet 2012

Eija-Liisa Ahtila - Moderna Museet 2012 Tube. Duration : 14.93 Mins.

EIJA-LIISA AHTILA PARALLELLA VÄRLDAR Eija-Liisa Ahtila är en av Nordens internationellt mest erkända samtidskonstnärer. Sedan sitt genombrott på nittiotalet är hon en föregångare i utvecklingen av filmiska installationer. Ahtilas verk rör sig i gränstrakter -- de ifrågasätter filmspråkets konventioner och utmanar invanda perspektiv. Hennes särställning i filmvärlden blev tydlig för en bredare publik då hon satt i juryn för spelfilm under Venedigs filmfestival 2011. Eija-Liisa Ahtila bor och verkar i Helsingfors. Hennes verk har visats på bland annat MoMA, New York; Jeu de Paume, Paris; Tate Modern, London, och Kunsthalle Zürich. Hon har deltagit i ett stort antal internationella utställningar, däribland Venedigbiennalen 1999 och 2005. Curator: Lena Essling Utställningen produceras av Moderna Museet i samarbete med Museet för nutidskonst Kiasma i Helsingfors. Den turnerar till Carré d'Art i Nîmes, Frankrike. Utställningen stöds av Brummer & Partners EIJA-LIISA AHTILA PARALLEL WORLDS Moderna Museet presents an exhibition featuring completely new works by Eija-Liisa Ahtila, one of the most internationally recognised Nordic contemporary artists. Ahtila has been a constant pioneer in the development of multi-media art ever since her video and performance breakthrough in the 1990s. Eija-Liisa Ahtila lives and works in Helsinki. Her works have previously been shown at the MoMA, New York, Jeu de Paume, Paris, Tate Modern, London, and Kunsthalle Zürich. She has participated in ...

Keywords: eija-liisa, ahtila, intervju, interview, moderna, museet, konst, utställning, art, exhibition, parallella, världar, parallel, worlds, me, we, okay, gray, huset, the, house, var, är, where, is, bönetimmen, hour, of, prayer, fishermen, fiskare, annunciation, bebådelsen, hotisontal, horizontal, video, film, moving, image, 2012

Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Louvre Museum

The Louvre Museum. Heaven? Elysium? A historical, cultural and artistic paradise? A genius's final resting place? All of them combined? Perhaps. The best and the most famous museum of the world, the Louvre attracts millions of visitors to its hallowed precincts every year, year after year.


Paris Musuem

Ensconced in the heart of Paris near the Seine, the Louvre is a museum that was originally a palace, which was inhabited by French monarchs. After the incarceration of Louis XVI, the artifacts of the Louvre that belonged to the royal family, became a property of France. The palace became a repository in the year 1793 AD. But the museum had several architectural defects then. Napoleon added to the museum's collections through his conquests. However, many artifacts had to be returned to their original owners when Napoleon was defeated at the Battle of Waterloo.

The Louvre Museum


More 'gems and jewels' were added to and subtracted from the Louvre over the next couple of centuries according to whether France gained or lost political leverage. Today, the Louvre boasts of over 380,000 objects. The Louvre showcases some 35,000 artistic works over an area of 60, 600 square meters. Each of the exhibits of the Louvre is a chef d'oeuvre. The glass Pyramid and the Inverted Pyramid of the Louvre attract thousands of tourists with their dazzling symmetry. The Tuileries Gardens border the Louvre in a way a sparkling crown lines the head of a great ruler.

What It Is All About

You must see the Louvre to understand it. Reading a description of the Louvre may give you an idea about the museum but you will understand how spectacular it is only if you visit it. The Louvre is overwhelming. The museum is a microcosm of the glories of the human race. Whether it is art or sculpture, something religious or secular, you will be able to see it all in the realms of the Louvre.

The Ancient and the Modern

Currently, the Louvre is home to a large shopping arcade that is filled with scintillating stores, which sell perfumes, accessories, miniatures, keepsakes, and apparel. Tourists throng the stores and restaurants present in the premises of the Louvre to shop, to window-shop, to eat, and to relax. However, you will feel rather strange if you walk into any of these stores or eateries, especially after you have just emerged from the Denon or any of the other wings of the Louvre. The stark contrast between the ancient and the modern will hit you straight in the face.

The Spirit

Many say that entering the Louvre is like crossing the gates of heaven into the abode of the gods. You will feel much the same way when you visit this timeless museum. Every step that you take in the Louvre, in its corridors and passages, before its renowned masterpieces, statues, paintings and caryatids; every breath that you breathe while treading its floors; every time you take a photograph; every time you turn your head to admire an exhibit; you'll feel as if you're walking through an ageless and magical land, staring at eternity as it unfolds before your eyes.

Greatest Exhibits

Salle 6, the large hall just off the Grande Gallery naturally has the maximum number of visitors as the Mona Lisa resides there. La Giaconda enthralls all her visitors with her mystic smile, she has always enchanted everyone, except perhaps her creator. Even if she is superior to everybody, she has to be inferior to the genius from whose paintbrush she had sprung, Leonardo Da Vinci. Da Vinci's spirit pervades Louvre. You can almost feel the painter-cum-inventor breathing when you visit Salle 6 where Mona Lisa lives, walk down the Grande Gallery, which is adorned by the much revered Madonna of the Rocks, Virgin and Child with St. Anne, and St. John the Baptist, three of Da Vinci's most renowned paintings.

Besides, the Mona Lisa, the Venus De Milo and the Winged Victory are the other most popular attractions of the repository. Both these sculptures are huge and impressive and epitomize the best of the Greco-Roman sculptural styles. These statues bear testimony to the grandeur of the Greek and Roman civilizations, both of which have left their indelible mark on European culture and civilization.

The Egyptian, Islamic and the Chinese exhibits of the Louvre will take your breath away.

A Tribute...

Louvre is an experience. The spirit of the museum is all-encompassing and haunting. The Louvre may be located in Paris but it's much more than Paris. It's an altogether different world, a world of its own, a world that's ancient. The Louvre transports you back to a different era, each time you visit it. The yellowed parchments of history come alive when you visit the museum.

The Louvre is not merely a collection of exhibits, paintings, sculptures and artifacts. It is mankind's tribute to mankind - an embodiment of the power of the human race, the creative spirit of humans and the limitless glory of the human soul.

The Louvre Museum Golden Prison - The Louvre (Pt 2 of 6) Video Clips. Duration : 6.35 Mins.

1978 documentary by Lucy Jarvis

Keywords: 1978, paris, boyer, louvre, jarvis, landmark, museum

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Alexander Calder's Circus (part 1)

Alexander Calder's Circus (part 1) Video Clips. Duration : 8.97 Mins.

It was in Paris in 1927 that he created the miniature circus celebrated in this film. The Parisian avant-garde would gather in Calder's studio to see the circus in operation. This film exudes the great personal charm of Calder himself, moving and working the tiny players like a ringmaster, while his wife winds up the gramophone in the background. The Circus is now housed at the Whitney Museum in New York.

Keywords: Calder, mobile, kinetic sculpture, articulated sculpture, circus, Paris

Friday, June 1, 2012

Manish Arora Arrivals Fall 2011 Paris Fashion Week | FashionTV -

Manish Arora Arrivals Fall 2011 Paris Fashion Week | FashionTV - Video Clips. Duration : 3.02 Mins.

Paris Fashion Week Fall 2011 on Manish Arora ArrivalsFront Row Red Carpet Celebrities -- Top Hot Sexy Models - Styled by - Music -- Manish Arora is regarded by many as "the John Galliano of India",Manish is an alumnus of National Institute of Fashion Technology in New Delhi; he started his eponymous label in 1997, and today he is known for a rich palette of psychedelic colours and kitsch motifs, in garments that combine traditional Indian crafts like embroidery, appliqué and beading with Western silhouettes. Today his label is available in 84 stores worldwide, and for the last five years he has collaborated with sportswear giantReebok to produce the successful 'Fish Fry' line. In 1997 Manish Arora launched his label "Manish Arora" and started retailing in India. Three years later in 2000, Manish represented India at the Hong Kong Fashion Weekand participated at the first ever India Fashion Week held in New Delhi. The following year Manish launched his second label, "Fish Fry", and showed this collection in six leading cities in India and was stocked at Lord & Taylor, New York. During 2002 Manish opened his first flagship store, Manish Arora Fish Fry, in New Delhi and in 2003 opened his second flagship store in the commercial capital of India,Mumbai. He had a successful showing at India Fashion Week in Mumbai and started stocking at Maria Luisa Paris starting a successful export business. During 2004 he was awarded the Best Women's Prêt Designer at the first ever ...

Tags: PARIS, FW, FTV, fashiontv, Fashion, Week, MANISH, ARORA, FALL, WINTER, 11/12[Clip, Type], [Celebs], [Models], [Stylists], [Song, Name], [Music, Artist, models, designers, shows, design, trends, couture, coiffeur, hair, glamour, hot, sexy, lingerie, lifestyle, stylists, styling, shoes, swimwear, updo, body,, tv